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Roll Call
Consider and act upon approval of minutes of the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on October 26, 2010.
CONSENT AGENDA - Consider and Act
Revised Conveyance Plat:
NWC Eldorado & Teel, Block A, Lots 1-7 (CP10-0009)
Seven lots on 15.0? acres on the northwest corner of Eldorado Parkway and Teel Parkway. Zoned Retail. Neighborhood #49. SM
Final Plat:
BEC Rockhill Substation, Block 1, Lot 1 (FP10-0002)
Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.
One lot on 6.0? acres on the south side of Rockhill Road, 2,700? feet east of Preston Road. Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (unincorporated). Neighborhood #4.JE
Revised Preliminary Plat:
Christie Ranch, Phases 2B, 2C & 2D (PP10-0011)
First Texas Homes, Inc.
22 Single Family-1 lots, 32 Single Family-3 lots, 15 Single Family-4 lots, 45 Single Family-5 lots, 30 Patio Home lots, and one open space lot on 54.0? acres on the south side of Panther Creek Parkway, 1,800 ? feet east of Teel Parkway. Zoned Planned Development-175-Single Family-1/Single Family-2/Single Family-3/Single Family-4/Single Family-5/Patio Home/Townhome. Neighborhood #48. SM
Site Plan:
121 Industrial Park, Lot 3B (SP10-0014)
North Texas Municipal Water District
A water treatment plant on one lot on 5.8? acres on the north side of State Highway 121, 2,600? feet east of Custer Road. Zoned Agricultural. Neighborhood #27. JE
Site Plan:
Custer-Eldorado Addition, Block A, Lot 2 (SPFP10-0017)
Custer Dira Partnership, LTD.
A drive-through restaurant on one lot on 1.1? acres on the south side of Eldorado Parkway, 275? feet west of Custer Road. Zoned Planned Development-5-Commercial-1. Neighborhood #15. SM
Site Plan:
Legacy Christian Academy, Block A, Lot 1R-1 (SPRP10-0011)
Legacy Christian Academy
A private high school on one lot on 28.3? acres on the southwest corner of Stonebrook Parkway and Fighting Eagles Lane. Zoned Planned Develoment-96-Patio Home, Planned Development-167-Patio Home with a Specific Use Permit (S-121) for a Private School, and Agricultural. Neighborhood #22. RC
PUBLIC HEARINGS - Consider and Act
Public Hearing - Specific Use Permit:
Saint Francis of Assisi Addition, Block A, Lot 1R (SUP10-0004)
Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas
A request to amend Specific Use Permit (S-96) for a Church and a Parochial School on one lot on 24.3? acres on the northwest corner of Eldorado Parkway and Rogers Road. Zoned Planned Development-71-Single Family-4 with a Specific Use Permit (S-96) for a Church and Parochial School and a Specific Use Permit (S-102) for a Day Care. Neighborhood #10. JE
Public Hearing - Zoning:
Newman Village (Z10-0006)
Darling Frisco Partners, Ltd.
A request to amend Planned Development-211regarding development standards and garage requirements. The property contains 294.3? acres on the north side of Eldorado Parkway, 500? feet west of Legacy Drive. Zoned: Planned Development-211-Single Family-3/Single Family-4/Single Family-5/Patio Home. Neighborhood #48. MW
Update on the results of the November 2, 2010 City Council meeting.
Discuss and consider changing the Planning & Zoning meeting schedule for the month of December 2010.
Scheduling of future discussion items.
Nov 09, 2010 Frisco - Planning and Zoning Commission
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Roll Call
Consider and act upon approval of minutes of the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on October 26, 2010.
CONSENT AGENDA - Consider and Act
Revised Conveyance Plat:
NWC Eldorado & Teel, Block A, Lots 1-7 (CP10-0009)
Seven lots on 15.0? acres on the northwest corner of Eldorado Parkway and Teel Parkway. Zoned Retail. Neighborhood #49. SM
Final Plat:
BEC Rockhill Substation, Block 1, Lot 1 (FP10-0002)
Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.
One lot on 6.0? acres on the south side of Rockhill Road, 2,700? feet east of Preston Road. Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (unincorporated). Neighborhood #4.JE
Revised Preliminary Plat:
Christie Ranch, Phases 2B, 2C & 2D (PP10-0011)
First Texas Homes, Inc.
22 Single Family-1 lots, 32 Single Family-3 lots, 15 Single Family-4 lots, 45 Single Family-5 lots, 30 Patio Home lots, and one open space lot on 54.0? acres on the south side of Panther Creek Parkway, 1,800 ? feet east of Teel Parkway. Zoned Planned Development-175-Single Family-1/Single Family-2/Single Family-3/Single Family-4/Single Family-5/Patio Home/Townhome. Neighborhood #48. SM
Site Plan:
121 Industrial Park, Lot 3B (SP10-0014)
North Texas Municipal Water District
A water treatment plant on one lot on 5.8? acres on the north side of State Highway 121, 2,600? feet east of Custer Road. Zoned Agricultural. Neighborhood #27. JE
Site Plan:
Custer-Eldorado Addition, Block A, Lot 2 (SPFP10-0017)
Custer Dira Partnership, LTD.
A drive-through restaurant on one lot on 1.1? acres on the south side of Eldorado Parkway, 275? feet west of Custer Road. Zoned Planned Development-5-Commercial-1. Neighborhood #15. SM
Site Plan:
Legacy Christian Academy, Block A, Lot 1R-1 (SPRP10-0011)
Legacy Christian Academy
A private high school on one lot on 28.3? acres on the southwest corner of Stonebrook Parkway and Fighting Eagles Lane. Zoned Planned Develoment-96-Patio Home, Planned Development-167-Patio Home with a Specific Use Permit (S-121) for a Private School, and Agricultural. Neighborhood #22. RC
PUBLIC HEARINGS - Consider and Act
Public Hearing - Specific Use Permit:
Saint Francis of Assisi Addition, Block A, Lot 1R (SUP10-0004)
Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas
A request to amend Specific Use Permit (S-96) for a Church and a Parochial School on one lot on 24.3? acres on the northwest corner of Eldorado Parkway and Rogers Road. Zoned Planned Development-71-Single Family-4 with a Specific Use Permit (S-96) for a Church and Parochial School and a Specific Use Permit (S-102) for a Day Care. Neighborhood #10. JE
Public Hearing - Zoning:
Newman Village (Z10-0006)
Darling Frisco Partners, Ltd.
A request to amend Planned Development-211regarding development standards and garage requirements. The property contains 294.3? acres on the north side of Eldorado Parkway, 500? feet west of Legacy Drive. Zoned: Planned Development-211-Single Family-3/Single Family-4/Single Family-5/Patio Home. Neighborhood #48. MW
Update on the results of the November 2, 2010 City Council meeting.
Discuss and consider changing the Planning & Zoning meeting schedule for the month of December 2010.
Scheduling of future discussion items.
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