Video index
Call to Order/Roll Call
Citizen Appearance
Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the September 29, 2011 Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Site Plan for Richwoods, Phases 1-11, consisting of 501 Single-Family lots on 178.2
acres on the west side of Independence Parkway, 2,200
feet south of Rolater Road.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for Frisco Lakes by Del Webb, Village 9, consisting of 90 Single-Family lots on 19.7
acres on the southwest corner of Stonebrook Parkway and Anthem Drive.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for Frisco Lakes by Del Webb, Village 8, consisting of 124 Single-Family lots on 29.6+ acres on the south side of Stonebrook Parkway, 1,240
feet west of Anthem Drive.
Consider and act upon the election of a Chairman for the Parks and Recreation Board.
Consider and act upon the election of a Vice-Chairman for the Parks and Recreation Board.
Consider and act upon the election of a Secretary for the Parks and Recreation Board.
Park Services Division
Monthly Report on the Park Maintenance Activity of the Parks Services Division within the Department
Recreation Services Division
Monthly Report on the Registration and Participation of the Recreation Services Division within the Department
Facilities Management Division
Monthly Report on the Attendance and Membership Overview of the Facilities Management Division within the Department
Planning and Capital Projects Division
Monthly Report on the Construction and Status of Capital Projects of the Planning and Capital Projects Division within the Department
Discussion regarding any miscellaneous business or items to be placed on future Agendas.
Oct 13, 2011 Frisco - Parks and Recreation Board
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Call to Order/Roll Call
Citizen Appearance
Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the September 29, 2011 Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Site Plan for Richwoods, Phases 1-11, consisting of 501 Single-Family lots on 178.2
acres on the west side of Independence Parkway, 2,200
feet south of Rolater Road.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for Frisco Lakes by Del Webb, Village 9, consisting of 90 Single-Family lots on 19.7
acres on the southwest corner of Stonebrook Parkway and Anthem Drive.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for Frisco Lakes by Del Webb, Village 8, consisting of 124 Single-Family lots on 29.6+ acres on the south side of Stonebrook Parkway, 1,240
feet west of Anthem Drive.
Consider and act upon the election of a Chairman for the Parks and Recreation Board.
Consider and act upon the election of a Vice-Chairman for the Parks and Recreation Board.
Consider and act upon the election of a Secretary for the Parks and Recreation Board.
Park Services Division
Monthly Report on the Park Maintenance Activity of the Parks Services Division within the Department
Recreation Services Division
Monthly Report on the Registration and Participation of the Recreation Services Division within the Department
Facilities Management Division
Monthly Report on the Attendance and Membership Overview of the Facilities Management Division within the Department
Planning and Capital Projects Division
Monthly Report on the Construction and Status of Capital Projects of the Planning and Capital Projects Division within the Department
Discussion regarding any miscellaneous business or items to be placed on future Agendas.
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