Video index
Call to Order/Roll Call
Citizen Appearance
Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the August 11, 2011 Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting.
Recognition of the Frisco Amateur Summer Swim Team and their accomplishments from this summer.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Site Plan for North Court Villas, consisting of 150 Multi-Family units on 10.0
acres on the south side of Stonebrook Parkway, 950
feet west of Stonebridge Drive.
Discussion by the Board, Staff and residents living adjacent to Warren Sports Complex regarding parking concerns adjacent to Warren Sports Complex.
Consider and act upon possible action as a result of discussion by the Board regarding parking concerns adjacent to Warren Sports Complex.
Consider and act upon a Site Plan - Final Plat for Sierra at Frisco Bridges, consisting of 251 Multi-Family units on 3.3
acres on the east corner of the intersection of Avenue of the Stars and Rifle Gap Road.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for Crown Ridge, Phase 3, consisting of 143 Single Family Units on 40.3
acres on the east side of Preston Road, 2,500
feet north of Panther Creek.
Consider and act upon a recommendation by the Frisco Sports Council to approve the Frisco Cricket Association as a new member of the Frisco Sports Council.
Discussion by the Board and Staff regarding park development projects between 2011 and 2015.
Consider and act upon possible revisions to the Park Development Plan as a result of discussion between Staff and the Board.
Recognition of outgoing Board Members Brad Mick and Gerald Perrin for their work and dedication on the Parks and Recreation board.
Park Services Division
Monthly Report on the Park Maintenance Activity of the Parks Services Division within the Department
Recreation Services Division
Monthly Report on the Registration and Participation of the Recreation Services Division within the Department
Facilities Management Division
Monthly Report on the Attendance and Membership Overview of the Facilities Management Division within the Department
Planning and Capital Projects Division
Monthly Report on the Construction and Status of Capital Projects of the Planning and Capital Projects Division within the Department
Discussion regarding any miscellaneous business or items to be placed on future Agendas.
Sep 29, 2011 Frisco - Parks and Recreation Board
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Call to Order/Roll Call
Citizen Appearance
Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the August 11, 2011 Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting.
Recognition of the Frisco Amateur Summer Swim Team and their accomplishments from this summer.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Site Plan for North Court Villas, consisting of 150 Multi-Family units on 10.0
acres on the south side of Stonebrook Parkway, 950
feet west of Stonebridge Drive.
Discussion by the Board, Staff and residents living adjacent to Warren Sports Complex regarding parking concerns adjacent to Warren Sports Complex.
Consider and act upon possible action as a result of discussion by the Board regarding parking concerns adjacent to Warren Sports Complex.
Consider and act upon a Site Plan - Final Plat for Sierra at Frisco Bridges, consisting of 251 Multi-Family units on 3.3
acres on the east corner of the intersection of Avenue of the Stars and Rifle Gap Road.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for Crown Ridge, Phase 3, consisting of 143 Single Family Units on 40.3
acres on the east side of Preston Road, 2,500
feet north of Panther Creek.
Consider and act upon a recommendation by the Frisco Sports Council to approve the Frisco Cricket Association as a new member of the Frisco Sports Council.
Discussion by the Board and Staff regarding park development projects between 2011 and 2015.
Consider and act upon possible revisions to the Park Development Plan as a result of discussion between Staff and the Board.
Recognition of outgoing Board Members Brad Mick and Gerald Perrin for their work and dedication on the Parks and Recreation board.
Park Services Division
Monthly Report on the Park Maintenance Activity of the Parks Services Division within the Department
Recreation Services Division
Monthly Report on the Registration and Participation of the Recreation Services Division within the Department
Facilities Management Division
Monthly Report on the Attendance and Membership Overview of the Facilities Management Division within the Department
Planning and Capital Projects Division
Monthly Report on the Construction and Status of Capital Projects of the Planning and Capital Projects Division within the Department
Discussion regarding any miscellaneous business or items to be placed on future Agendas.
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