Video index
Call to Order/Roll Call
Citizen Appearance
Recognition of John Classe for his service on the Parks and Recreation Board.
Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the September 9th, 2010 Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for Village Lakes, Phase 3, consisting of 85 Single Family lots on 23.7 + acres, on the northwest corner of Diamond Point Lane and Cotton Gin Road.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for Ridgeview at Panther Creek, Phase 1, consisting of 113 Single Family lots on 37.8 + acres on the west side of Coit Road, 1,600 + feet north of Eldorado Boulevard.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for Stonewater Crossing, Phase 2, consisting of 113 Single Family lots on 31.1 + acres on the south side of Witt Road, 650 + feet west of FM 423.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for Christie Ranch, Phases 2A, 2B, and 2C, consisting of 145 Single Family lots on 54.0 + acres, on the south side of Panther Creek Parkway, 1,800? + east of Teel Parkway.
Discussion by the Board and Staff regarding the acquisition and development of a proposed park along Cottonwood Creek.
Discussion by the Board and Staff regarding Park Development Projects between 2010 and 2014.
Consider and act upon possible revision to the Park Development Plan as a result of discussion between Staff and the Board.
Consider and act upon the selection of a Chairman for 2010-2011 of the Parks and Recreation Board.
Consider and act upon the selection of a Vice-Chairman for 2010-2011 of the Parks and Recreation Board.
Consider and act upon the selection of a Secretary for 2010-2011 of the Parks and Recreation Board.
Discussion by the Board regarding review of the Parks and Recreation Ordinance.
Park Services Division
Monthly Report regarding the Park Maintenance Activity within the Parks and Recreation Department
Recreation Services Division
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Senior Center Special Events and Programs
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Athletic Programs
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Fitness Programs
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Aquatics Programs
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Recreation Programs
Monthly Report on Special Events within the Parks and Recreation Department
Facilities Management Division
Monthly Report on the Attendance, Membership Overview, Revenues and Expenditures of the Frisco Athletic Center
Monthly Report on the Usage, Transportation and Revenue of the Senior Center
Planning and Capital Projects Division
Monthly Report on the Construction and Status of Capital Projects within the Parks and Recreation Department
Discussion regarding any miscellaneous business or items to be placed on future Agendas.
Oct 14, 2010 Frisco - Parks and Recreation Board
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Call to Order/Roll Call
Citizen Appearance
Recognition of John Classe for his service on the Parks and Recreation Board.
Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the September 9th, 2010 Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for Village Lakes, Phase 3, consisting of 85 Single Family lots on 23.7 + acres, on the northwest corner of Diamond Point Lane and Cotton Gin Road.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for Ridgeview at Panther Creek, Phase 1, consisting of 113 Single Family lots on 37.8 + acres on the west side of Coit Road, 1,600 + feet north of Eldorado Boulevard.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for Stonewater Crossing, Phase 2, consisting of 113 Single Family lots on 31.1 + acres on the south side of Witt Road, 650 + feet west of FM 423.
Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for Christie Ranch, Phases 2A, 2B, and 2C, consisting of 145 Single Family lots on 54.0 + acres, on the south side of Panther Creek Parkway, 1,800? + east of Teel Parkway.
Discussion by the Board and Staff regarding the acquisition and development of a proposed park along Cottonwood Creek.
Discussion by the Board and Staff regarding Park Development Projects between 2010 and 2014.
Consider and act upon possible revision to the Park Development Plan as a result of discussion between Staff and the Board.
Consider and act upon the selection of a Chairman for 2010-2011 of the Parks and Recreation Board.
Consider and act upon the selection of a Vice-Chairman for 2010-2011 of the Parks and Recreation Board.
Consider and act upon the selection of a Secretary for 2010-2011 of the Parks and Recreation Board.
Discussion by the Board regarding review of the Parks and Recreation Ordinance.
Park Services Division
Monthly Report regarding the Park Maintenance Activity within the Parks and Recreation Department
Recreation Services Division
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Senior Center Special Events and Programs
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Athletic Programs
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Fitness Programs
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Aquatics Programs
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Recreation Programs
Monthly Report on Special Events within the Parks and Recreation Department
Facilities Management Division
Monthly Report on the Attendance, Membership Overview, Revenues and Expenditures of the Frisco Athletic Center
Monthly Report on the Usage, Transportation and Revenue of the Senior Center
Planning and Capital Projects Division
Monthly Report on the Construction and Status of Capital Projects within the Parks and Recreation Department
Discussion regarding any miscellaneous business or items to be placed on future Agendas.
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