Video index
Call to Order/Roll Call
Citizen Appearance
Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the October 7th, 2009 Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting.
Presentation by Lee Myrben, Chairman of the Frisco Veteran's Advisory Committee on efforts to provide improvements to the Frisco Commons Veteran's Memorial area.
Presentation by John Lettelleir, Director of Development Services and subsequent discussion with the Board regarding development within the City.
Consider and act upon the approval of a Preliminary Plat for Cobb Farm, Phase II, consisting of 78 Single Family 3 lots on 32.6
acres, located on the east side of Legacy Drive, 1,050 feet north of Crane Avenue.
Consider and act upon the election of the Parks & Recreation Board Chair.
Consider and act upon the election of the Parks & Recreation Board Vice Chair.
Consider and act upon the election of the Parks & Recreation Board Secretary.
Consider and act upon the approval of a Master Plan concept for the Youth Center Park and subsequent recommendation to the City Council for their consideration.
Update on the Grand Park project as a result of the Subcommittee Meeting on November 5, 2009.
Consider and act upon possible revisions to the Park Development Plan as a result of discussion between Staff and the Board.
Recreation Services Division
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Senior Center Special Events and Programs
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Athletic and Fitness Programs
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Aquatics Programs
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Recreation Programs
Monthly Report on Special Events within the Parks and Recreation Department
Facilities Management Division
Monthly Report on the Attendance, Membership Overview, Revenues and Expenditures of the Frisco Athletic Center
Monthly Report on the Usage, Transportation and Revenue of the Senior Center
Planning and Capital Projects Division
Monthly Report on the Construction and Status of Capital Projects within the Parks and Recreation Department
Park Services Division
Monthly Report regarding the Park Maintenance Activity within the Parks and Recreation Department
Discussion regarding any miscellaneous business or items to be placed on future Agendas.
Nov 12, 2009 Frisco - Parks and Recreation Board
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Call to Order/Roll Call
Citizen Appearance
Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the October 7th, 2009 Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting.
Presentation by Lee Myrben, Chairman of the Frisco Veteran's Advisory Committee on efforts to provide improvements to the Frisco Commons Veteran's Memorial area.
Presentation by John Lettelleir, Director of Development Services and subsequent discussion with the Board regarding development within the City.
Consider and act upon the approval of a Preliminary Plat for Cobb Farm, Phase II, consisting of 78 Single Family 3 lots on 32.6
acres, located on the east side of Legacy Drive, 1,050 feet north of Crane Avenue.
Consider and act upon the election of the Parks & Recreation Board Chair.
Consider and act upon the election of the Parks & Recreation Board Vice Chair.
Consider and act upon the election of the Parks & Recreation Board Secretary.
Consider and act upon the approval of a Master Plan concept for the Youth Center Park and subsequent recommendation to the City Council for their consideration.
Update on the Grand Park project as a result of the Subcommittee Meeting on November 5, 2009.
Consider and act upon possible revisions to the Park Development Plan as a result of discussion between Staff and the Board.
Recreation Services Division
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Senior Center Special Events and Programs
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Athletic and Fitness Programs
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Aquatics Programs
Monthly Report on the Registration, Participation and Revenue of the Recreation Programs
Monthly Report on Special Events within the Parks and Recreation Department
Facilities Management Division
Monthly Report on the Attendance, Membership Overview, Revenues and Expenditures of the Frisco Athletic Center
Monthly Report on the Usage, Transportation and Revenue of the Senior Center
Planning and Capital Projects Division
Monthly Report on the Construction and Status of Capital Projects within the Parks and Recreation Department
Park Services Division
Monthly Report regarding the Park Maintenance Activity within the Parks and Recreation Department
Discussion regarding any miscellaneous business or items to be placed on future Agendas.
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