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Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001 et. seq. Texas Government Code, to wit;
Section 551.071. Meeting with City Attorney regarding a matter(s) in which the duty of the City Attorney under the Texas Disciplinary rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas conflicts with the Open Meetings Act regarding:
Receive legal advice concerning legal issues regarding Exide and lead issues.
Receive legal advice regarding Frisco's involvement in the Arts Center of North Texas and other legal issues related thereto.
Receive legal advice concerning Legislative Prayers at City Council Meetings.
Section 551.072. To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property located:
Bordered by Main Street on the north, the Dallas North Tollway on the west, Preston Road on the east and Stonebrook Parkway on the south.
Section 551.074. Personnel Matters: Section 551.074 authorizes certain deliberations about officers and employees of the governmental body to be held in executive session:
Deliberation regarding the annual evaluation of George Purefoy (City Manager).
Section 551.087. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the City has received from a business prospect and to deliberate the offer or other incentives to a business prospect.
Reconvene into Regular Session and take any action necessary as a result of the Closed Session.
Leadership Frisco Class 14
Parks and Recreation Monthly Report regarding Park and Trail Development, Facilities, Special Events and Youth Development
Library report on usage and programming activities
Engineering Services Monthly Report on Roads, Traffic, Water & Sewer Projects
Council Subcommittee reports for current activities of the Legislative, Governance, Budget and Audit Committee, Be Fit Frisco, Frisco Veteran's Advisory Committee.
CITIZEN INPUT (to begin approximately at 7:30 p.m.)
Consider and act upon approval of the February 7, 2012 and February 21, 2012 regular City Council minutes. (CSO/JP)
Consider and act upon approval of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Collin County for Library funding. (Library/SH)
Consider and act upon approval of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Denton County for Library funding. (Library/SH)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Escrow Agreement by and between the City of Frisco and Preston Trail Ministries Inc. to provide funding for the construction of a left turn lane in conjunction with the construction of FM 3537 (Main Street) from Preston Road to Custer Road. (Engineering/JB)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Surface Transportation Program-Metropolitan Mobility Agreement for State-Contracted Traffic Signal Construction by and between the City of Frisco and the Texas Department of Transportation to reimburse the City of Frisco for the cost of equipment provided for the traffic signals on Eldorado Parkway in the Town of Little Elm (Engineering/BM).
Consider and Act on a Resolution approving the submission of a grant application to the North Central Texas Council of Governments and the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division for funding under the Violence Against Women Act Grant Program and authorizing the submission of the grant application by the City Manager or his designee. Funding for a detective dedicated to investigating high risk domestic violence cases. (Police/GW)
Consider and act upon a recommendation by the Parks and Recreation Board to adopt a master plan for Pearson Park. (Parks / JED)
Consider and act upon approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract by and between the City of Frisco and K. Hovnanian Homes ?DFW LLC for Phase One Improvements to Miramonte Park. (Parks/DR)
Consider and act upon approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract by and between the City of Frisco and David McCaskill Design Group for Landscape Architecture services for the Panther Creek Tributary Trail Master Plan. (Parks/DR)
Consider and act upon approval of a purchase order to Vigilant Video, Inc. for an automated license plate reader solution (ALPR), and approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign a site license agreement for this system. (Court/TJ)
Consider and act upon award of bid #1201-034, Liebert Unit for City of Frisco Police Department server room, to Frymire Services Inc. and approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign an agreement for the purchase and installation. (Facilities/TJ)
Consider and act upon approval of a purchase order to Monster for the continuation of employment application system software support, and proposed enhancements. (HR/TJ)
Consider and act upon ratification of the purchase with TS Sports for an upgrade to the timing system at the Dr Pepper Stars Center Arena. (CVB/TJ)
Consider and Act upon a proposed Services Agreement with the Museum of the American Railroad for activites at the Frisco Heritage Museum. (CMO)
Consider and Act on items related to submission of documents to the Texas Comptroller's Office Trust Fund for the reimbursement of state tax revenue acquired from one event. (CVB)
Consider and Act on the adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to submit documents to the Texas Comptroller's Office Trust Fund for the reimbursement of state tax revenue acquired from 2012 Ice Skating Institute?s World Recreational Team Championships. (CVB)
Consider and Act on a Consulting Agreement with Don Hoyte, Ph.D for services in performing an economic impact study. (CVB)
Consider and act upon authorizing the City Manager to execute a Development Agreement by and between Wanamaker Frisco One, L.P., Shula Netzer, and the City of Frisco, Texas for the construction of John Hickman and related improvements for the development of an Academy Sports and Outdoor retail center. (CMO)
Consider and act upon authorizng the City Manager to execute a Chapter 380 Grant Agreement by and between the City of Frisco, Texas and MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. (CMO)
Consider and act upon whether to direct staff to submit a written notice of appeal on behalf of the City Council to Development Services, pursuant to Subsection 6.19 of the Zoning Ordinance and/or Section 4.02 of the Subdivision Ordinance, regarding action taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission on any site plan or plat. Any written notice of appeal must be submitted to Development Services. (Development Services)
Consider and act upon adoption of an Ordinance rezoning 20.0? acres from Agricultural to Single Family-7. The property is located on the east side of Independence Parkway, 1,700? feet north of Eldorado Parkway. Neighborhood #06. Zoning Case No. Z11-0021. (Development Services/JE)
Consider and act upon adoption of an Ordinance rezoning 9.1? acres on the northwest corner of Preston Trace Boulevard and Williford Trail from Agricultural to Residential Estate and Single Family-7. Neighborhood #11. Zoning Case No. Z11-0022 (Development Services/MW)
Consider and act upon adoption of an Ordinance on the voluntary annexation of 97.5? acres in the Collin County School Land Survey, Abstract No. 148, Collin County, Texas, generally located on the southeast corner of County Road 26 and Dallas Parkway. Neighborhood #53. Annexation Case A12-0001. (Development Services/MW)
Public Hearing: Z11-0018. A request to amend Planned Development-166-Retail/Office-2/Multifamily-19/Single Family-8.5/Single Family-10/Patio Home to modify the boundaries and amend the zoning exhibit and development standards and consider and act to direct staff to prepare an Ordinance of the same. The property contains 220? acres on the northeast corner of Dallas Parkway and Eldorado Parkway and on the north side of Eldorado Parkway, 1,300? feet west of Dallas Parkway. Zoned Planned Development-166-Retail/Office-2/Multifamily-19/Single Family-8.5/Single Family-10/Patio Home. Neighborhood #47. (Development Services/JE)
Public Hearing: SUP11-0008. A request for a Specific Use Permit for a convenience store with gas pumps on one lot on 2.1? acres on the northeast corn of Eldorado Parkway and Dallas Parkway and consider and act to direct staff to prepare an Ordinance of the same. Zoned Planned Development-166-Retail/Office-2. Neighborhood #47. (Development Services/JE)
Public Hearing: SUP12-0001. A request for a Specific Use Permit for a Big Box Retail Developoment on one lot on 16.5? acres on the south side of John Hickman Parkway, 430? feet east of Preston Road and consider and act to direct staff to prepare an ordinance of the same. Zoned Commercial-1. Neighborhood #29. (Development Services/RC)
Public Hearing: Annexation Case A12-0002. A proposed voluntary annexation of 33.0? acres in the Collin County School Land Survey, Abstract No. 147, Collin County, Texas, generally located on the south side of US Highway 380, 1,150? feet west of County Road 26. Neighborhood #53. (Development Services/MW)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Developer's Impact Fee Agreement by and between the City of Frisco and Papagolos Development Properties, Ltd. for Stonewater Crossing, Phases 1 & 2, and the construction of Witt Road Water Line Improvements. DA11-0003. (Development Services/RC)
Continuation of the Public Hearing and consider and act upon the adoption of the amended Impact Fee Ordinance. (Engineering/PK)
Presentation and Acceptance of the Fiscal Year 2011 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Auditor?s Report (Financial Services/AC)
Consider and act upon appointment of Convention and Visitors Bureau Place 11 Ex-Officio At-Large position for the unexpired term of Keith Britton from October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2013. (CSO/JP)
Consider and act upon actions necessary for the May 12, 2012 General Election in the City of Frisco. Considere y act?e sobre acciones necesarias para la Elecci?n general en la Ciudad de Frisco el 12 de Mayo, 2012. (CSO/JP)
Consider and act on an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Frisco, Texas, repealing Ordinance No. 03-02-04 and Ordinance No. 10-01-06 and designating four (4) election precincts for elections to be held in the City of Frisco, Texas; Providing for the Pre-Clearance and all necessary actions; and Providing for an effective date. Considere y act?e sobre una Ordenanza del Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Frisco, Texas, revocando Ordenanza No.03-02-04 y la Ordenanza No.10-01-06 y designando cuatro (4) zonas de elecci?n para elecciones que se convocar?n en la Ciudad de Frisco, Texas; Proporcionando pre-consentimiento y todas otras acciones necesarias; y Proporcionando una fecha de vigencia. (CSO/JP)
Consider and act on a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Frisco, Texas, designating election day polling places within the election precincts within the City of Frisco, Texas for elections ordered; Providing for Pre-Clearance and all other necessary actions; and Providing an effective date. Considere y act?e sobre una Resoluci?n del Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Frisco, Texas, designando centros electorales de d?a de elecciones dentro de las zonas de elecci?n dentro de la Ciudad de Frisco, Texas para elecciones ordenadas; Proporcionando pre-consentimiento y todas otras acciones necesarias; y Previendo una fecha de vigencia. (CSO/JP)
Consider and act upon presentation and acceptance of two (2) Local Option Petitions. Considere y act?e sobre presentaci?n y aceptaci?n de dos (2) Peticiones de Opciones Locales. (CSO/JP)
Presentation and acceptance of a Local Option Petition from the citizens of Frisco for ?The legal sale of beer and wine for off-premise consumption only?. Presentaci?n y aceptaci?n de una petici?n de Opci?n Local de los ciudadanos de Frisco para ?La venta legal de cerveza y vino para el consumo fuera del establecimiento ?nicamente?. (CSO/JP)
Presentation and acceptance of a Local Option Petition from the citizens of Frisco for ?The legal sale of mixed beverages in restaurants by food and beverage certificate holders only?. Presentaci?n y aceptaci?n de una petici?n de Opci?n Local de los ciudadanos de Frisco para ?La venta legal de bebidas mixtas en los restaurantes por poseedores de certificados de alimentos y bebidas ?nicamente?. (CSO/JP)
Consider and act upon a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Frisco, Collin and Denton County, Texas, Ordering a Special Local Option Election to consider Legalizing the following two(2) issues: (1) THE LEGAL SALE OF BEER AND WINE FOR OFF-PREMISE CONSUMPTION ONLY, AND (2) THE LEGAL SALE OF MIXED BEVERAGES IN RESTAURANTS BY FOOD AND BEVERAGE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS ONLY IN THE CITY OF FRISCO, TEXAS. Considere y act?e sobre una Resoluci?n del Ayuntamiento de la ciudad de Frisco Condados de Collin y Denton, Texas, Pediendo una Elecci?n Especial de Opci?n Local para considerar la Legalizaci?n de los dos (2) siguientes asuntos: (1) LA VENTA LEGAL DE CERVEZA Y VINO PARA CONSUMO FUERA DEL LOCAL ?NICAMENTE, Y (2) LA VENTA LEGAL DE BEBIDAS MIXTAS EN LOS RESTAURANTES POR POSEEDORES DE CERTIFICADOS DE ALIMENTOS Y BEBIDAS ?NICAMENTE. (CSO/JP)
City Council discussion with City Staff concerning any actions required by City Staff as a result of any item on tonight's agenda.
Discussion on Governance Monitoring of present City Council Meeting.
Mar 06, 2012 Frisco - City Council
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Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001 et. seq. Texas Government Code, to wit;
Section 551.071. Meeting with City Attorney regarding a matter(s) in which the duty of the City Attorney under the Texas Disciplinary rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas conflicts with the Open Meetings Act regarding:
Receive legal advice concerning legal issues regarding Exide and lead issues.
Receive legal advice regarding Frisco's involvement in the Arts Center of North Texas and other legal issues related thereto.
Receive legal advice concerning Legislative Prayers at City Council Meetings.
Section 551.072. To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property located:
Bordered by Main Street on the north, the Dallas North Tollway on the west, Preston Road on the east and Stonebrook Parkway on the south.
Section 551.074. Personnel Matters: Section 551.074 authorizes certain deliberations about officers and employees of the governmental body to be held in executive session:
Deliberation regarding the annual evaluation of George Purefoy (City Manager).
Section 551.087. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the City has received from a business prospect and to deliberate the offer or other incentives to a business prospect.
Reconvene into Regular Session and take any action necessary as a result of the Closed Session.
Leadership Frisco Class 14
Parks and Recreation Monthly Report regarding Park and Trail Development, Facilities, Special Events and Youth Development
Library report on usage and programming activities
Engineering Services Monthly Report on Roads, Traffic, Water & Sewer Projects
Council Subcommittee reports for current activities of the Legislative, Governance, Budget and Audit Committee, Be Fit Frisco, Frisco Veteran's Advisory Committee.
CITIZEN INPUT (to begin approximately at 7:30 p.m.)
Consider and act upon approval of the February 7, 2012 and February 21, 2012 regular City Council minutes. (CSO/JP)
Consider and act upon approval of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Collin County for Library funding. (Library/SH)
Consider and act upon approval of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Denton County for Library funding. (Library/SH)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Escrow Agreement by and between the City of Frisco and Preston Trail Ministries Inc. to provide funding for the construction of a left turn lane in conjunction with the construction of FM 3537 (Main Street) from Preston Road to Custer Road. (Engineering/JB)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Surface Transportation Program-Metropolitan Mobility Agreement for State-Contracted Traffic Signal Construction by and between the City of Frisco and the Texas Department of Transportation to reimburse the City of Frisco for the cost of equipment provided for the traffic signals on Eldorado Parkway in the Town of Little Elm (Engineering/BM).
Consider and Act on a Resolution approving the submission of a grant application to the North Central Texas Council of Governments and the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division for funding under the Violence Against Women Act Grant Program and authorizing the submission of the grant application by the City Manager or his designee. Funding for a detective dedicated to investigating high risk domestic violence cases. (Police/GW)
Consider and act upon a recommendation by the Parks and Recreation Board to adopt a master plan for Pearson Park. (Parks / JED)
Consider and act upon approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract by and between the City of Frisco and K. Hovnanian Homes ?DFW LLC for Phase One Improvements to Miramonte Park. (Parks/DR)
Consider and act upon approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract by and between the City of Frisco and David McCaskill Design Group for Landscape Architecture services for the Panther Creek Tributary Trail Master Plan. (Parks/DR)
Consider and act upon approval of a purchase order to Vigilant Video, Inc. for an automated license plate reader solution (ALPR), and approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign a site license agreement for this system. (Court/TJ)
Consider and act upon award of bid #1201-034, Liebert Unit for City of Frisco Police Department server room, to Frymire Services Inc. and approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign an agreement for the purchase and installation. (Facilities/TJ)
Consider and act upon approval of a purchase order to Monster for the continuation of employment application system software support, and proposed enhancements. (HR/TJ)
Consider and act upon ratification of the purchase with TS Sports for an upgrade to the timing system at the Dr Pepper Stars Center Arena. (CVB/TJ)
Consider and Act upon a proposed Services Agreement with the Museum of the American Railroad for activites at the Frisco Heritage Museum. (CMO)
Consider and Act on items related to submission of documents to the Texas Comptroller's Office Trust Fund for the reimbursement of state tax revenue acquired from one event. (CVB)
Consider and Act on the adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to submit documents to the Texas Comptroller's Office Trust Fund for the reimbursement of state tax revenue acquired from 2012 Ice Skating Institute?s World Recreational Team Championships. (CVB)
Consider and Act on a Consulting Agreement with Don Hoyte, Ph.D for services in performing an economic impact study. (CVB)
Consider and act upon authorizing the City Manager to execute a Development Agreement by and between Wanamaker Frisco One, L.P., Shula Netzer, and the City of Frisco, Texas for the construction of John Hickman and related improvements for the development of an Academy Sports and Outdoor retail center. (CMO)
Consider and act upon authorizng the City Manager to execute a Chapter 380 Grant Agreement by and between the City of Frisco, Texas and MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. (CMO)
Consider and act upon whether to direct staff to submit a written notice of appeal on behalf of the City Council to Development Services, pursuant to Subsection 6.19 of the Zoning Ordinance and/or Section 4.02 of the Subdivision Ordinance, regarding action taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission on any site plan or plat. Any written notice of appeal must be submitted to Development Services. (Development Services)
Consider and act upon adoption of an Ordinance rezoning 20.0? acres from Agricultural to Single Family-7. The property is located on the east side of Independence Parkway, 1,700? feet north of Eldorado Parkway. Neighborhood #06. Zoning Case No. Z11-0021. (Development Services/JE)
Consider and act upon adoption of an Ordinance rezoning 9.1? acres on the northwest corner of Preston Trace Boulevard and Williford Trail from Agricultural to Residential Estate and Single Family-7. Neighborhood #11. Zoning Case No. Z11-0022 (Development Services/MW)
Consider and act upon adoption of an Ordinance on the voluntary annexation of 97.5? acres in the Collin County School Land Survey, Abstract No. 148, Collin County, Texas, generally located on the southeast corner of County Road 26 and Dallas Parkway. Neighborhood #53. Annexation Case A12-0001. (Development Services/MW)
Public Hearing: Z11-0018. A request to amend Planned Development-166-Retail/Office-2/Multifamily-19/Single Family-8.5/Single Family-10/Patio Home to modify the boundaries and amend the zoning exhibit and development standards and consider and act to direct staff to prepare an Ordinance of the same. The property contains 220? acres on the northeast corner of Dallas Parkway and Eldorado Parkway and on the north side of Eldorado Parkway, 1,300? feet west of Dallas Parkway. Zoned Planned Development-166-Retail/Office-2/Multifamily-19/Single Family-8.5/Single Family-10/Patio Home. Neighborhood #47. (Development Services/JE)
Public Hearing: SUP11-0008. A request for a Specific Use Permit for a convenience store with gas pumps on one lot on 2.1? acres on the northeast corn of Eldorado Parkway and Dallas Parkway and consider and act to direct staff to prepare an Ordinance of the same. Zoned Planned Development-166-Retail/Office-2. Neighborhood #47. (Development Services/JE)
Public Hearing: SUP12-0001. A request for a Specific Use Permit for a Big Box Retail Developoment on one lot on 16.5? acres on the south side of John Hickman Parkway, 430? feet east of Preston Road and consider and act to direct staff to prepare an ordinance of the same. Zoned Commercial-1. Neighborhood #29. (Development Services/RC)
Public Hearing: Annexation Case A12-0002. A proposed voluntary annexation of 33.0? acres in the Collin County School Land Survey, Abstract No. 147, Collin County, Texas, generally located on the south side of US Highway 380, 1,150? feet west of County Road 26. Neighborhood #53. (Development Services/MW)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Developer's Impact Fee Agreement by and between the City of Frisco and Papagolos Development Properties, Ltd. for Stonewater Crossing, Phases 1 & 2, and the construction of Witt Road Water Line Improvements. DA11-0003. (Development Services/RC)
Continuation of the Public Hearing and consider and act upon the adoption of the amended Impact Fee Ordinance. (Engineering/PK)
Presentation and Acceptance of the Fiscal Year 2011 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Auditor?s Report (Financial Services/AC)
Consider and act upon appointment of Convention and Visitors Bureau Place 11 Ex-Officio At-Large position for the unexpired term of Keith Britton from October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2013. (CSO/JP)
Consider and act upon actions necessary for the May 12, 2012 General Election in the City of Frisco. Considere y act?e sobre acciones necesarias para la Elecci?n general en la Ciudad de Frisco el 12 de Mayo, 2012. (CSO/JP)
Consider and act on an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Frisco, Texas, repealing Ordinance No. 03-02-04 and Ordinance No. 10-01-06 and designating four (4) election precincts for elections to be held in the City of Frisco, Texas; Providing for the Pre-Clearance and all necessary actions; and Providing for an effective date. Considere y act?e sobre una Ordenanza del Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Frisco, Texas, revocando Ordenanza No.03-02-04 y la Ordenanza No.10-01-06 y designando cuatro (4) zonas de elecci?n para elecciones que se convocar?n en la Ciudad de Frisco, Texas; Proporcionando pre-consentimiento y todas otras acciones necesarias; y Proporcionando una fecha de vigencia. (CSO/JP)
Consider and act on a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Frisco, Texas, designating election day polling places within the election precincts within the City of Frisco, Texas for elections ordered; Providing for Pre-Clearance and all other necessary actions; and Providing an effective date. Considere y act?e sobre una Resoluci?n del Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Frisco, Texas, designando centros electorales de d?a de elecciones dentro de las zonas de elecci?n dentro de la Ciudad de Frisco, Texas para elecciones ordenadas; Proporcionando pre-consentimiento y todas otras acciones necesarias; y Previendo una fecha de vigencia. (CSO/JP)
Consider and act upon presentation and acceptance of two (2) Local Option Petitions. Considere y act?e sobre presentaci?n y aceptaci?n de dos (2) Peticiones de Opciones Locales. (CSO/JP)
Presentation and acceptance of a Local Option Petition from the citizens of Frisco for ?The legal sale of beer and wine for off-premise consumption only?. Presentaci?n y aceptaci?n de una petici?n de Opci?n Local de los ciudadanos de Frisco para ?La venta legal de cerveza y vino para el consumo fuera del establecimiento ?nicamente?. (CSO/JP)
Presentation and acceptance of a Local Option Petition from the citizens of Frisco for ?The legal sale of mixed beverages in restaurants by food and beverage certificate holders only?. Presentaci?n y aceptaci?n de una petici?n de Opci?n Local de los ciudadanos de Frisco para ?La venta legal de bebidas mixtas en los restaurantes por poseedores de certificados de alimentos y bebidas ?nicamente?. (CSO/JP)
Consider and act upon a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Frisco, Collin and Denton County, Texas, Ordering a Special Local Option Election to consider Legalizing the following two(2) issues: (1) THE LEGAL SALE OF BEER AND WINE FOR OFF-PREMISE CONSUMPTION ONLY, AND (2) THE LEGAL SALE OF MIXED BEVERAGES IN RESTAURANTS BY FOOD AND BEVERAGE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS ONLY IN THE CITY OF FRISCO, TEXAS. Considere y act?e sobre una Resoluci?n del Ayuntamiento de la ciudad de Frisco Condados de Collin y Denton, Texas, Pediendo una Elecci?n Especial de Opci?n Local para considerar la Legalizaci?n de los dos (2) siguientes asuntos: (1) LA VENTA LEGAL DE CERVEZA Y VINO PARA CONSUMO FUERA DEL LOCAL ?NICAMENTE, Y (2) LA VENTA LEGAL DE BEBIDAS MIXTAS EN LOS RESTAURANTES POR POSEEDORES DE CERTIFICADOS DE ALIMENTOS Y BEBIDAS ?NICAMENTE. (CSO/JP)
City Council discussion with City Staff concerning any actions required by City Staff as a result of any item on tonight's agenda.
Discussion on Governance Monitoring of present City Council Meeting.
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