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Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001 et. seq. Texas Government Code, to wit;
Section 551.071. Meeting with City Attorney regarding a matter(s) in which the duty of the City Attorney under the Texas Disciplinary rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas conflicts with the Open Meetings Act regarding:
Receive legal advice concerning the Slope Repair Agreements
Receive legal advice regarding Day Labor issue.
Section 551.072. To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property located:
South of US 380, North of The Colony city limits and North of 121, East of FM 423, and West of Hillcrest Road
Section 551.074. Personnel Matters: Section 551.074 authorizes certain deliberations about officers and employees of the governmental body to be held in executive session:
Section 551.087. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the City has received from a business prospect and to deliberate the offer or other incentives to a business prospect.
Reconvene into Regular Session and take any action necessary as a result of the Closed Session.
2010 National Night Out
Eagle Scout Jeffery Hodgkiss
Chad Unger, 2010 Dr Pepper Recreational Coach of the Year
2010 Recycling Leadership Award -- Environmental Services Plastic Bag Program
Financial Services Budget Status Report for June 2010
Convention & Visitors Bureau monthly report on definite bookings, mobile marketing campaign and in-kind media values.
Development Services June 2010 Report on Building Inspection, Code Enforcement, Animal Control, development, and training activities
Fire Department Monthly Report on Incident Response and Educational Activities (FIRE)
Police Department's report on crime statistics and response times for the month of June 2010.
CITIZEN INPUT (to begin approximately at 7:30 p.m.)
Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the June 29, 2010 Regular City Council Meeting. (CSO/JP)
Consider and act upon adoption of an Ordinance correcting an inadvertent clerical error contained in Ordinance No. 10-04-22 relating to the Calling of the Special Election on May 08, 2010. (CSO/JP)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Change Order Number 4 to the construction contract by and between the City of Frisco and McCarthy Building Companies Inc. (CMO/RP)
Consider and Act upon a Resolution adopting the Community Development Block Grant Five Year Consolidated Plan 2010 - 2014 (Annual Action Plan 2010), and the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice document and instruct staff to forward to HUD with a request for Community Development Block Grant funding. (CMO/SB)
Consider and act upon a Resolution approving the fiscal year 2011 City of Frisco General Fund Social Service Grant allocations. (CMO/SB)
Consider and act upon a Resolution approving the submission of a Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS) Grant application to the Texas Forest Service. (Fire Department)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Professional Services Contract between City of Frisco and Frisco Independent School District for services related to a School Resource Officer Program. (Police/TR)
Consider and act upon authorization for the City Manager to execute Change Order Number 4 to the Standard Form Agreement for Construction Services by and between the City of Frisco and SureTec, for the construction of State Highway 289 Utility Relocations (Main Street to US 380) (Engineering/JB).
Consider and act upon award of bid to Roadway Solutions, Inc. and act upon a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Construction Contract for the FM 2934 (Eldorado Parkway) Street Lighting Improvements (FM 423 to Dallas Parkway), Bid No. 1006 045 (Engineering/AH)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement by and between the City of Frisco, Texas and Burgess and Niple, Inc. for the performance of Sanitary Smoke Testing, Phase III (Public Works/KG).
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Dedication Agreement by and between the City of Frisco, Texas and Vista Franchise Holdings, LLC for the S.H. 121 and Independence Retail Center, Wingate by Wyndham Hotel Project (Engineering Services / JE).
Consider and act upon authorization for the City Manager to execute Change Order Number 3 to the Standard Form of Agreement for construction services by and between the City of Frisco and UtiliTex Construction, LLP for the SH 121 Sanitary Sewer (Custer Rd to Independence Parkway) (CIP #08-0009) (Engineering/AH)
Consider and act upon authorization for the City Manager to execute Change Order Number 1 to the Standard Form of Agreement for construction services by and between the City of Frisco and Jim Bowman Construction Co., Inc. for the Preston North Water and Sewer Improvements (CIP #09-0015) (Engineering/AH)
Consider and act upon approval of a purchase order to Safety Storage, Inc. for the Purchase of One-(1) Household Hazardous Material Storage Building. (Environmental Services/TJ)
Consider and act upon approval of a purchase order to NAFECO, Inc. for the purchase of protective fire fighter bunker gear. (Fire/TJ)
Consider and act upon approval of a purchase order to Sigma Surveillance for the purchase of twenty-(20) pan-tilt-zoom traffic signal cameras. (Engineering/TJ)
Consider and act upon approval of a purchase order to Naztec, Inc. for the purchase of eleven-(11) Naztec traffic signal cabinets. (Engineering/TJ)
Consider and act upon the acceptance of Letter of Resignation from Deina McNabb, CVB Board Member (CSO/JP)
Consider and act upon a new ordinance to prohibit the sale or delivery of certain smoking materials to persons and to prohibit the possession of certain smoking materials by persons in the corporate city limits of Frisco. Also providing a penalty for the violation of this ordinance and an effective date. (Police/TR)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Development Agreement by and between the City of Frisco and Starwood Homeowner's Association for the financial participation of each entity relating to Legacy Drive Slope Remediation, and authorizing the City Manager to execute an emergency Standard Form Agreement for Construction Services by and between the City of Frisco and Craig Olden, Inc. to construct the Legacy Drive Slope Remediation Improvements (Engineering Services / PK).
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an emergency Standard Form Agreement for Construction Services by and between the City of Frisco and Wortman Construction Services, LLC to construct the Lebanon Road Slope Improvements (Engineering Services / PK).
Consider and act upon whether to direct staff to submit a written notice of appeal on behalf of the City Council to Development Services, pursuant to Article IV, Section 1.07(C) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and/or Section 4.05 of the Subdivision Regulation Ordinance, regarding action taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission on any site plan or plat. Any written notice of appeal must be submitted to Development Services. (Development Services)
City Council discussion with City Staff concerning any actions required by City Staff as a result of any item on tonight's agenda.
Discussion on Governance Monitoring of present City Council Meeting.
Jul 29, 2010 Frisco - City Council
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Full agenda
Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001 et. seq. Texas Government Code, to wit;
Section 551.071. Meeting with City Attorney regarding a matter(s) in which the duty of the City Attorney under the Texas Disciplinary rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas conflicts with the Open Meetings Act regarding:
Receive legal advice concerning the Slope Repair Agreements
Receive legal advice regarding Day Labor issue.
Section 551.072. To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property located:
South of US 380, North of The Colony city limits and North of 121, East of FM 423, and West of Hillcrest Road
Section 551.074. Personnel Matters: Section 551.074 authorizes certain deliberations about officers and employees of the governmental body to be held in executive session:
Section 551.087. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the City has received from a business prospect and to deliberate the offer or other incentives to a business prospect.
Reconvene into Regular Session and take any action necessary as a result of the Closed Session.
2010 National Night Out
Eagle Scout Jeffery Hodgkiss
Chad Unger, 2010 Dr Pepper Recreational Coach of the Year
2010 Recycling Leadership Award -- Environmental Services Plastic Bag Program
Financial Services Budget Status Report for June 2010
Convention & Visitors Bureau monthly report on definite bookings, mobile marketing campaign and in-kind media values.
Development Services June 2010 Report on Building Inspection, Code Enforcement, Animal Control, development, and training activities
Fire Department Monthly Report on Incident Response and Educational Activities (FIRE)
Police Department's report on crime statistics and response times for the month of June 2010.
CITIZEN INPUT (to begin approximately at 7:30 p.m.)
Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the June 29, 2010 Regular City Council Meeting. (CSO/JP)
Consider and act upon adoption of an Ordinance correcting an inadvertent clerical error contained in Ordinance No. 10-04-22 relating to the Calling of the Special Election on May 08, 2010. (CSO/JP)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Change Order Number 4 to the construction contract by and between the City of Frisco and McCarthy Building Companies Inc. (CMO/RP)
Consider and Act upon a Resolution adopting the Community Development Block Grant Five Year Consolidated Plan 2010 - 2014 (Annual Action Plan 2010), and the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice document and instruct staff to forward to HUD with a request for Community Development Block Grant funding. (CMO/SB)
Consider and act upon a Resolution approving the fiscal year 2011 City of Frisco General Fund Social Service Grant allocations. (CMO/SB)
Consider and act upon a Resolution approving the submission of a Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS) Grant application to the Texas Forest Service. (Fire Department)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Professional Services Contract between City of Frisco and Frisco Independent School District for services related to a School Resource Officer Program. (Police/TR)
Consider and act upon authorization for the City Manager to execute Change Order Number 4 to the Standard Form Agreement for Construction Services by and between the City of Frisco and SureTec, for the construction of State Highway 289 Utility Relocations (Main Street to US 380) (Engineering/JB).
Consider and act upon award of bid to Roadway Solutions, Inc. and act upon a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Construction Contract for the FM 2934 (Eldorado Parkway) Street Lighting Improvements (FM 423 to Dallas Parkway), Bid No. 1006 045 (Engineering/AH)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement by and between the City of Frisco, Texas and Burgess and Niple, Inc. for the performance of Sanitary Smoke Testing, Phase III (Public Works/KG).
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Dedication Agreement by and between the City of Frisco, Texas and Vista Franchise Holdings, LLC for the S.H. 121 and Independence Retail Center, Wingate by Wyndham Hotel Project (Engineering Services / JE).
Consider and act upon authorization for the City Manager to execute Change Order Number 3 to the Standard Form of Agreement for construction services by and between the City of Frisco and UtiliTex Construction, LLP for the SH 121 Sanitary Sewer (Custer Rd to Independence Parkway) (CIP #08-0009) (Engineering/AH)
Consider and act upon authorization for the City Manager to execute Change Order Number 1 to the Standard Form of Agreement for construction services by and between the City of Frisco and Jim Bowman Construction Co., Inc. for the Preston North Water and Sewer Improvements (CIP #09-0015) (Engineering/AH)
Consider and act upon approval of a purchase order to Safety Storage, Inc. for the Purchase of One-(1) Household Hazardous Material Storage Building. (Environmental Services/TJ)
Consider and act upon approval of a purchase order to NAFECO, Inc. for the purchase of protective fire fighter bunker gear. (Fire/TJ)
Consider and act upon approval of a purchase order to Sigma Surveillance for the purchase of twenty-(20) pan-tilt-zoom traffic signal cameras. (Engineering/TJ)
Consider and act upon approval of a purchase order to Naztec, Inc. for the purchase of eleven-(11) Naztec traffic signal cabinets. (Engineering/TJ)
Consider and act upon the acceptance of Letter of Resignation from Deina McNabb, CVB Board Member (CSO/JP)
Consider and act upon a new ordinance to prohibit the sale or delivery of certain smoking materials to persons and to prohibit the possession of certain smoking materials by persons in the corporate city limits of Frisco. Also providing a penalty for the violation of this ordinance and an effective date. (Police/TR)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Development Agreement by and between the City of Frisco and Starwood Homeowner's Association for the financial participation of each entity relating to Legacy Drive Slope Remediation, and authorizing the City Manager to execute an emergency Standard Form Agreement for Construction Services by and between the City of Frisco and Craig Olden, Inc. to construct the Legacy Drive Slope Remediation Improvements (Engineering Services / PK).
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an emergency Standard Form Agreement for Construction Services by and between the City of Frisco and Wortman Construction Services, LLC to construct the Lebanon Road Slope Improvements (Engineering Services / PK).
Consider and act upon whether to direct staff to submit a written notice of appeal on behalf of the City Council to Development Services, pursuant to Article IV, Section 1.07(C) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and/or Section 4.05 of the Subdivision Regulation Ordinance, regarding action taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission on any site plan or plat. Any written notice of appeal must be submitted to Development Services. (Development Services)
City Council discussion with City Staff concerning any actions required by City Staff as a result of any item on tonight's agenda.
Discussion on Governance Monitoring of present City Council Meeting.
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