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Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001 et. seq. Texas Government Code, to wit;
Section 551.071. Meeting with City Attorney regarding a matter(s) in which the duty of the City Attorney under the Texas Disciplinary rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas conflicts with the Open Meetings Act regarding:
Receive legal advice regarding and possible settlement of Case No. 09-0069; City of The Colony, Texas vs. North Texas Municipal Water District and City of Frisco, Texas; In the Texas Supreme Court.
Receive legal advise regarding intervening in Cause No. 296-04045-2008 in the case styled Roughriders Baseball Partners, L.P. v. HKS, Inc, et al., pending in the 296th Judicial District Court in Collin County , Texas
Section 551.072. To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property located:
South of US 380, North of The Colony city limits, East of FM 423, and West of Hillcrest Road.
Section 551.074. Personnel Matters: Section 551.074 authorizes certain deliberations about officers and employees of the governmental body to be held in executive session:
Section 551.087. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the City has received from a business prospect and to deliberate the offer or other incentives to a business prospect.
Reconvene into Regular Session and take any action necessary as a result of the Closed Session.
Dr. Paul H. Reyes, Medical Director of the Frisco Cares Clinic
Parks & Recreation Monthly Report regarding Park & Trail Development, Facilities, Special Events and Youth Development
Engineering Services Monthly Report on Roads, Traffic, Water and Sewer Projects.
Library Report on usage and programming activities
CITIZEN INPUT (to begin approximately at 7:30 p.m.)
Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the November 17, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting (CSO/J Page)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Termination and Release of Impact Fee Agreement by and between the City of Frisco and Cineco Cinema Corporation for property located on the northwest corner of Preston Road and Hickory Street. (Development Services/SI)
Consider and act upon a resolution authorizing the City Manager of the City of Frisco, Texas to execute an interlocal cooperation agreement by and between the City of Frisco and the County of Denton for Fire and Ambulance services. (FIRE)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment Number Two to the Professional Services Agreement by and between the City of Frisco and Terra-Solve, Inc. for Environmental Assessment and Remediation Services for three sites on Main Street (John Elliott to Fourth Street) (Engineering Services/EDM).
Consider and Act Upon Resolution Amending the Authorized Representatives for the City?s Legacy Bank Accounts (Financial Services/AC)
Consider and Act Upon Resolution allowing the City Manager to Amend the Authorized Representatives for the City?s TexPool Investment Accounts (Financial Services/AC)
Consider and Act Upon Resolution allowing the City Manager to Amend the Authorized Representatives for the City?s TexStar Investment Accounts (Financial Services/AC)
Consider and act upon a recommendation by the Parks and Recreation Board to adopt a master plan for Youth Center Park. (Parks/JED)
Consider and act upon awarding a bid and approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement by and between the City of Frisco and C.R. Reynolds, Inc. for construction of B.F. Phillips Community Park, Phase 2. (Parks/JED)
Consider and act upon a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Development Agreement with McKinney Towne Crossing, L.P. for the construction of a traffic signal on Custer Road (FM 2478) at the existing northern median opening that serves both the McKinney Towne Crossing development to the east and the Custer Bridges development to the west (Engineering/BM).
Consider and act upon a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Development Agreement with Custer Road Marketplace, LTD. for the construction of a traffic signal on Custer Road (FM 2478) at the existing northern median opening that serves both the McKinney Towne Crossing development to the east and the Custer Bridges development to the west (Engineering/BM).
Consider and act upon approval of a purchase order to Azteca Systems, Inc. for the purchase of an Annual Update and Support for Cityworks asset management software. (IT/TJ)
Consider and act upon approval of a purchase order to Sundance Painting Inc. for installation of furnished wall covering and install wall liner, cleaning and sealing wood walls, and painting of various rooms within the Crozier house in the Heritage Center which is in the process of restoration. (CMO/TJ)
Consider and act upon an Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 96-10-10 regulating burglar, robbery, fire, medical emergency, panic alarms and regulating persons engaged in relaying alarm notification; providing for the issuance and revocation of permits and for the establishment of permit fees; providing an appeal procedure for permit denial or revocation, providing for the enforcement of such regulations, providing for the service charge fee for false alarms; allowing for response termination, providing savings, repealing and severability clauses, providing for the penalty for violations and an effective date. (Police)
Consider and act upon approval of an agreement with PMAM Corporation for Alarm Management Services and approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute this agreement. (Police/TJ)
Consider and Act Upon a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement between the City and the Frisco Association for the Arts (Tabled October 6, 2009 & November 17, 2009) (Financial Services/AC)
Consider and act upon the appointment of one (1) Board Member to the Board of Adjustment/Construction Board of Appeals, representing one (1) "Member", and possible appointment of one (1) "Alternate 1" Member, one (1) "Alternate 2" Member, or one (1) "Alternate 3" Member. (CSO/JP)
Public Hearing and Consider and Act Upon an Ordinance Expanding the Boundaries of the Reinvestment Zone Number One and Amending the Project Plan and the Financing Plan. (CMO/NL)
Consider and act upon authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for public affairs consulting services with HillCo Partners. (CMO/RP)
Consider and act upon whether to direct staff to submit a written notice of appeal on behalf of the City Council to Development Services, pursuant to Article IV, Section 1.07(C) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and/or Section 4.05 of the Subdivision Regulation Ordinance, regarding action taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission on any site plan or plat. Any written notice of appeal must be submitted to Development Services. (Development Services)
City Council discussion with City Staff concerning any actions required by City Staff as a result of any item on tonight's agenda.
Discussion on Governance Monitoring of present City Council Meeting.
Dec 01, 2009 Frisco - City Council
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Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001 et. seq. Texas Government Code, to wit;
Section 551.071. Meeting with City Attorney regarding a matter(s) in which the duty of the City Attorney under the Texas Disciplinary rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas conflicts with the Open Meetings Act regarding:
Receive legal advice regarding and possible settlement of Case No. 09-0069; City of The Colony, Texas vs. North Texas Municipal Water District and City of Frisco, Texas; In the Texas Supreme Court.
Receive legal advise regarding intervening in Cause No. 296-04045-2008 in the case styled Roughriders Baseball Partners, L.P. v. HKS, Inc, et al., pending in the 296th Judicial District Court in Collin County , Texas
Section 551.072. To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property located:
South of US 380, North of The Colony city limits, East of FM 423, and West of Hillcrest Road.
Section 551.074. Personnel Matters: Section 551.074 authorizes certain deliberations about officers and employees of the governmental body to be held in executive session:
Section 551.087. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the City has received from a business prospect and to deliberate the offer or other incentives to a business prospect.
Reconvene into Regular Session and take any action necessary as a result of the Closed Session.
Dr. Paul H. Reyes, Medical Director of the Frisco Cares Clinic
Parks & Recreation Monthly Report regarding Park & Trail Development, Facilities, Special Events and Youth Development
Engineering Services Monthly Report on Roads, Traffic, Water and Sewer Projects.
Library Report on usage and programming activities
CITIZEN INPUT (to begin approximately at 7:30 p.m.)
Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the November 17, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting (CSO/J Page)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Termination and Release of Impact Fee Agreement by and between the City of Frisco and Cineco Cinema Corporation for property located on the northwest corner of Preston Road and Hickory Street. (Development Services/SI)
Consider and act upon a resolution authorizing the City Manager of the City of Frisco, Texas to execute an interlocal cooperation agreement by and between the City of Frisco and the County of Denton for Fire and Ambulance services. (FIRE)
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment Number Two to the Professional Services Agreement by and between the City of Frisco and Terra-Solve, Inc. for Environmental Assessment and Remediation Services for three sites on Main Street (John Elliott to Fourth Street) (Engineering Services/EDM).
Consider and Act Upon Resolution Amending the Authorized Representatives for the City?s Legacy Bank Accounts (Financial Services/AC)
Consider and Act Upon Resolution allowing the City Manager to Amend the Authorized Representatives for the City?s TexPool Investment Accounts (Financial Services/AC)
Consider and Act Upon Resolution allowing the City Manager to Amend the Authorized Representatives for the City?s TexStar Investment Accounts (Financial Services/AC)
Consider and act upon a recommendation by the Parks and Recreation Board to adopt a master plan for Youth Center Park. (Parks/JED)
Consider and act upon awarding a bid and approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement by and between the City of Frisco and C.R. Reynolds, Inc. for construction of B.F. Phillips Community Park, Phase 2. (Parks/JED)
Consider and act upon a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Development Agreement with McKinney Towne Crossing, L.P. for the construction of a traffic signal on Custer Road (FM 2478) at the existing northern median opening that serves both the McKinney Towne Crossing development to the east and the Custer Bridges development to the west (Engineering/BM).
Consider and act upon a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Development Agreement with Custer Road Marketplace, LTD. for the construction of a traffic signal on Custer Road (FM 2478) at the existing northern median opening that serves both the McKinney Towne Crossing development to the east and the Custer Bridges development to the west (Engineering/BM).
Consider and act upon approval of a purchase order to Azteca Systems, Inc. for the purchase of an Annual Update and Support for Cityworks asset management software. (IT/TJ)
Consider and act upon approval of a purchase order to Sundance Painting Inc. for installation of furnished wall covering and install wall liner, cleaning and sealing wood walls, and painting of various rooms within the Crozier house in the Heritage Center which is in the process of restoration. (CMO/TJ)
Consider and act upon an Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 96-10-10 regulating burglar, robbery, fire, medical emergency, panic alarms and regulating persons engaged in relaying alarm notification; providing for the issuance and revocation of permits and for the establishment of permit fees; providing an appeal procedure for permit denial or revocation, providing for the enforcement of such regulations, providing for the service charge fee for false alarms; allowing for response termination, providing savings, repealing and severability clauses, providing for the penalty for violations and an effective date. (Police)
Consider and act upon approval of an agreement with PMAM Corporation for Alarm Management Services and approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute this agreement. (Police/TJ)
Consider and Act Upon a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement between the City and the Frisco Association for the Arts (Tabled October 6, 2009 & November 17, 2009) (Financial Services/AC)
Consider and act upon the appointment of one (1) Board Member to the Board of Adjustment/Construction Board of Appeals, representing one (1) "Member", and possible appointment of one (1) "Alternate 1" Member, one (1) "Alternate 2" Member, or one (1) "Alternate 3" Member. (CSO/JP)
Public Hearing and Consider and Act Upon an Ordinance Expanding the Boundaries of the Reinvestment Zone Number One and Amending the Project Plan and the Financing Plan. (CMO/NL)
Consider and act upon authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for public affairs consulting services with HillCo Partners. (CMO/RP)
Consider and act upon whether to direct staff to submit a written notice of appeal on behalf of the City Council to Development Services, pursuant to Article IV, Section 1.07(C) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and/or Section 4.05 of the Subdivision Regulation Ordinance, regarding action taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission on any site plan or plat. Any written notice of appeal must be submitted to Development Services. (Development Services)
City Council discussion with City Staff concerning any actions required by City Staff as a result of any item on tonight's agenda.
Discussion on Governance Monitoring of present City Council Meeting.
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