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Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001 et. seq. Texas Government Code, to wit;
Section 551.072. To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value or real property located:
South of US 380, North of The Colony city limits, East of FM 423, and West of Hillcrest Road.
Section 551.074. Deliberation regarding the annual evaluation of George Purefoy (City Manager)
Section 551.087. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the City has received from a business prospect and to deliberate the offer or other incentives to a business prospect.
Reconvene into Regular Session and take any action necessary as a result of the Closed Session.
Dallas Diamonds Women's Professional Football Team
Earth Day
Special Recognition Andrew Chen
Fire Department Monthly Report on Incident Response and Educational Activities (FIRE)
Planning & Development Services March 2009 Report on Building Inspection, Code Enforcement, Animal Control, development, and training activities.
Police Department's monthly report on crime statistics and response times for the month of March 2009
Financial Services March 2009 Monthly Budget Report
Public Works Monthly Report for Water Usage and Other Monthly Activities
Convention & Visitors Bureau March report on Activities, Economic Impact and New Certified Tourism Ambassador (CTA) Program
CITIZEN INPUT (to begin approximately at 7:30 p.m.)
Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 07, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting. (CSO)
Preston Road Art Amendments
Consider and act upon approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment #1 to the agreement between Michael Pavlovsky and the City of Frisco Texas for the Fabrication and Installation of the Proposed "Three Muses" Preston Road Phase 2 Project. (CMO/RO)
Consider and act upon approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment #1 to the agreement between Janice Hart Melito and the City of Frisco for the fabrication and installation of the proposed "Fetching Water" Preston Road Phase 2 artwork. (CMO/RO)
Consider and act upon approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment #1 to the agreement between David Alan Clark and the City of Frisco for the fabrication and installation of the proposed ?Frisco First? Preston Road Phase 2 artwork. (CMO/RO)
Consider and act upon approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment #1 to the agreement between Bill and Mary Buchen dba Son Arc Inc. and the City of Frisco for the fabrication and installation of the proposed " Prairie Bells? Preston Road Phase 2 artwork. (CMO/RO)
Consider and act upon approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment #1 to the agreement between Donna Dobberfuhl and the City of Frisco for the fabrication and installation of the proposed ?Fabric of Frisco? Preston Road Phase 2 artwork. (CMO/RO)
Consider and act upon authorization for the City Manager to execute Change Order Number 2 to the Standard Form Agreement for Construction Services by and between the City of Frisco and Mario Sinacola and Sons Excavating Inc., for the construction of All Stars Avenue/CR 712 (Frisco Street to North County Road) (Engineering/AS).
Consider and act upon a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Release of Drainage Easement No. 7 Granted by Gaylord Properties, LP. (Engineering/JM)
Consider and act upon authorization for the City Manager and Chief of Police to execute a Memorandum of Understanding and Interlocal Agreement between the Collin County Sheriff's Office, City of Plano, City of McKinney, City of Allen, City of Frisco, and City of Wylie regarding the BJA FY 2009 Recovery Act-Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program and formula award. (Police/GW)
Consider and act upon authorization for the City Manager to execute an agreement between the cities of Allen, Frisco, Plano and the Presbyterian Plano Diagnostics Surgery Center for the use of the Allen, Frisco, and Plano 800 MHz Trunked Communications System. (Police/GW)
Consider and act upon approval of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement by and between the City of Frisco and Freese and Nichols, Inc. for Engineering Design Services for the relocation of utilities on FM 423 (Stewart Creek Road to FM 720) (Engineering/JB).
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement by and between the City of Frisco and Halff Associates, Inc. to perform Engineering Design Services for Teel Parkway (Eldorado Parkway to Freestone) (Engineering/JB).
Consider and act upon award of bid #0902-023, annual contract for internally lighted street name signs to Fluoresco Lighting. (Engineering/TJ)
Consider and act upon approval of the donation of eighteen-(18) VCR In-Dash Video Systems to Precinct 4 Collin County Constable?s Office. (Police/TJ)
Consider and Act on a Resolution approving the terms and conditions of a grant application to the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, for funding of four (4) Patrol Officers, and authorizing the submission of the grant applications by the City Manager or his designee. (Police)
Consider and act upon a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Agreed Order for enforcement with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) in the matter of the sewer leak of December, 2008. (CMO/HH)
Consider and Act Upon Approval of Amendment to the Ordinance Adopting the Frisco Community Development Corporation Fiscal Year 2009 Budget (CMO/NL)
Consider and act upon an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 00-11-01 (Code of Ethics) (CMO-HJH)
Consider and act upon whether to direct staff to submit a written notice of appeal on behalf of the City Council to Planning and Development Services, pursuant to Article IV, Section 1.07(C) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and/or Section 4.05 of the Subdivision Regulation Ordinance, regarding action taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission on any site plan or plat. Any written notice of appeal must be submitted to Planning and Development Services. (Planning and Development Services)
City Council discussion with City Staff concerning any actions required by City Staff as a result of any item on tonight's agenda.
Discussion on Governance Monitoring of present City Council Meeting.
Apr 21, 2009 Frisco - City Council
Full agenda
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Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001 et. seq. Texas Government Code, to wit;
Section 551.072. To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value or real property located:
South of US 380, North of The Colony city limits, East of FM 423, and West of Hillcrest Road.
Section 551.074. Deliberation regarding the annual evaluation of George Purefoy (City Manager)
Section 551.087. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the City has received from a business prospect and to deliberate the offer or other incentives to a business prospect.
Reconvene into Regular Session and take any action necessary as a result of the Closed Session.
Dallas Diamonds Women's Professional Football Team
Earth Day
Special Recognition Andrew Chen
Fire Department Monthly Report on Incident Response and Educational Activities (FIRE)
Planning & Development Services March 2009 Report on Building Inspection, Code Enforcement, Animal Control, development, and training activities.
Police Department's monthly report on crime statistics and response times for the month of March 2009
Financial Services March 2009 Monthly Budget Report
Public Works Monthly Report for Water Usage and Other Monthly Activities
Convention & Visitors Bureau March report on Activities, Economic Impact and New Certified Tourism Ambassador (CTA) Program
CITIZEN INPUT (to begin approximately at 7:30 p.m.)
Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 07, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting. (CSO)
Preston Road Art Amendments
Consider and act upon approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment #1 to the agreement between Michael Pavlovsky and the City of Frisco Texas for the Fabrication and Installation of the Proposed "Three Muses" Preston Road Phase 2 Project. (CMO/RO)
Consider and act upon approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment #1 to the agreement between Janice Hart Melito and the City of Frisco for the fabrication and installation of the proposed "Fetching Water" Preston Road Phase 2 artwork. (CMO/RO)
Consider and act upon approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment #1 to the agreement between David Alan Clark and the City of Frisco for the fabrication and installation of the proposed ?Frisco First? Preston Road Phase 2 artwork. (CMO/RO)
Consider and act upon approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment #1 to the agreement between Bill and Mary Buchen dba Son Arc Inc. and the City of Frisco for the fabrication and installation of the proposed " Prairie Bells? Preston Road Phase 2 artwork. (CMO/RO)
Consider and act upon approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment #1 to the agreement between Donna Dobberfuhl and the City of Frisco for the fabrication and installation of the proposed ?Fabric of Frisco? Preston Road Phase 2 artwork. (CMO/RO)
Consider and act upon authorization for the City Manager to execute Change Order Number 2 to the Standard Form Agreement for Construction Services by and between the City of Frisco and Mario Sinacola and Sons Excavating Inc., for the construction of All Stars Avenue/CR 712 (Frisco Street to North County Road) (Engineering/AS).
Consider and act upon a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Release of Drainage Easement No. 7 Granted by Gaylord Properties, LP. (Engineering/JM)
Consider and act upon authorization for the City Manager and Chief of Police to execute a Memorandum of Understanding and Interlocal Agreement between the Collin County Sheriff's Office, City of Plano, City of McKinney, City of Allen, City of Frisco, and City of Wylie regarding the BJA FY 2009 Recovery Act-Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program and formula award. (Police/GW)
Consider and act upon authorization for the City Manager to execute an agreement between the cities of Allen, Frisco, Plano and the Presbyterian Plano Diagnostics Surgery Center for the use of the Allen, Frisco, and Plano 800 MHz Trunked Communications System. (Police/GW)
Consider and act upon approval of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement by and between the City of Frisco and Freese and Nichols, Inc. for Engineering Design Services for the relocation of utilities on FM 423 (Stewart Creek Road to FM 720) (Engineering/JB).
Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement by and between the City of Frisco and Halff Associates, Inc. to perform Engineering Design Services for Teel Parkway (Eldorado Parkway to Freestone) (Engineering/JB).
Consider and act upon award of bid #0902-023, annual contract for internally lighted street name signs to Fluoresco Lighting. (Engineering/TJ)
Consider and act upon approval of the donation of eighteen-(18) VCR In-Dash Video Systems to Precinct 4 Collin County Constable?s Office. (Police/TJ)
Consider and Act on a Resolution approving the terms and conditions of a grant application to the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, for funding of four (4) Patrol Officers, and authorizing the submission of the grant applications by the City Manager or his designee. (Police)
Consider and act upon a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Agreed Order for enforcement with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) in the matter of the sewer leak of December, 2008. (CMO/HH)
Consider and Act Upon Approval of Amendment to the Ordinance Adopting the Frisco Community Development Corporation Fiscal Year 2009 Budget (CMO/NL)
Consider and act upon an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 00-11-01 (Code of Ethics) (CMO-HJH)
Consider and act upon whether to direct staff to submit a written notice of appeal on behalf of the City Council to Planning and Development Services, pursuant to Article IV, Section 1.07(C) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and/or Section 4.05 of the Subdivision Regulation Ordinance, regarding action taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission on any site plan or plat. Any written notice of appeal must be submitted to Planning and Development Services. (Planning and Development Services)
City Council discussion with City Staff concerning any actions required by City Staff as a result of any item on tonight's agenda.
Discussion on Governance Monitoring of present City Council Meeting.
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